A mid-day pause

When time is strange, and days seem short but weeks seem long, or every day seems the same, it can be helpful to find a rhythm which includes times to pause. One good time is mid-day – maybe at 12, or perhaps before lunch. Take a breath, or several, slowly. Step outside. Let go and let God.

You might like to join Monday Mid-day Mindfulness – on Mondays! – or come to online Communion at 12.30pm on Thursday. On Friday’s Brian Draper is offering a Mid-day Moment from his YouTube channel here. Or maybe none of these…

Here is a lovely mid-day prayer that was offered in the Church Times (and could be adapted for any time of day). I’m going to try to use it at 12 noon when I can (says Simon):

Breathe on me, Spirit of God.

Awaken me to this moment of daylight’s height that points to the light of your Son that is with me.

Breathe on me, Spirit of God, as I spread my hands before you, holding in them the lost, the desperate, and the dying, holding those you have given me to love in my praying, holding in them my joys, my hopes, and my sorrows.

Let the eyes of Christ be fixed upon me and those for whom I pray.

As I rest for this brief moment, breathe, Spirit of refreshment, on all of me, that I may be drawn ever deeper into walking with the Son of Pilgrimage, by whose love I move and pray and delight in God.



Karen says:

Thanks Simon, I shall try to stop at midday and use this prayer.

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