Project Close & Acknowledgements
31st March 2022
Today marks the final day of our Development Counts project. All our resources are available on this website for the use of higher education students and staff, development professionals and other interested individuals and organisations.
The project team would like to thank:
- The students who participated in the pilot of the training programme and provided input for the final iteration of the learning resources: Albert Bartolo (L-Università ta’ Malta), Zeynep Baş (Gazi Üniversitesi), Furkan Baytekin (Gazi Üniversitesi), Alex Blauensteiner (University of Gloucestershire), Isaac Briffa (L-Università ta’ Malta), Sevdegül Budak (Gazi Üniversitesi), Nicole Casha (L-Università ta’ Malta), Ebrar Çevik (Gazi Üniversitesi), Emma Collins (University of Gloucestershire), Francesca Cremona (L-Università ta’ Malta), Elena Dacal (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), Lorea Diaz (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), Molly Gregory (University of Gloucestershire), Clemency Littler (University of Gloucestershire), Paula Martínez (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia) and Ayana Onurlu (Gazi Üniversitesi).
- The development professionals across Spain, Malta, Turkey and the UK who took part in the expert interviews which informed the design of the training programme.
- The development professionals who contributed details of their professional journeys for us to create the career profiles section of the website.
- Esther Reula Gómez, UNED Abierta/Vicerrectorado de Digitalización e Innovación, who supported the development and logistics of the MOOC programme.
- Esther Syombua Ndaka and Tara Thiani, co-founders of the Afrika Counts project, who took part in an interview on their project for the training programme and supported the student project presentations in the pilot programme.
- Kabba Bangura (University of Sierra Leone) and Dr Lucy Clarke (University of Gloucestershire) who featured in videos about their work as part of the training programme.
- Gideon Caipe, Annabelle Holder and Anna Newell from the Funding Office at the University of Gloucestershire for support and advice at all stages of project development and delivery.
- Natalie Morris, Careers Consultant for the School of Natural and Social Sciences at the University of Gloucestershire, who ran a LinkedIn training session during the pilot programme and a face-to-face session during the workshop in Malta on Harnessing Data Skills & Experience of International Collaboration for Career Planning for our student participants.
- Rob Tribe, Digital and UX Manager at the University of Gloucestershire, for advice and support maintaining this website.
- Lystra Maisey, Event Support Officer at the University of Gloucestershire, and the UNED digital events team for support with running the dissemination webinar.
- The National Statistics Office of Malta and the European Commission Representation in Malta for hosting workshops on data and international collaboration with our team during the Malta meeting.
- Bill Anderson (Development Initiatives), Raffaella Greco Tonegutti (Belgian Development Agency), Iñigo Macías (Oxfam Spain), Samba Ndiay (Senegalese National Agency of Statistics and Demographics) and Emily Poskett (UK Office for National Statistics) for forming the panel for the ‘Data Revolution: Perspectives & Implications for Professionals working in International Development’ Debate in the dissemination event.
- Professor Sabina Leonelli, University of Exeter for delivering the keynote speech in the dissemination event.
- Heather Krause (We All Count – a project on Equity in Data), William Sayers (University of Gloucestershire), iguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán (Data SET: Help Develop Data Skills of Entrepreneurs project coordinator) and Iñaki Ucar (University Carlos III) for forming the panel for the ‘Data Revolution: Implications for teaching Data Skills in the University and Beyond’ Debate in the dissemination event.
The project would also not have been possible without funding from the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union and the support of our partner institutions – University of Gloucestershire, Gazi University, UNED and the University of Malta.
If you have questions or would like to discuss any element of the project or project outputs, please contact Dr Rachel Bennett (project lead):
To keep in touch with the project team, please follow us on twitter @DataSkills4Dev and join our LinkedIn group Development Counts: Data Skills for International Development Careers Project Associates