Category: Module Work - Page 16

Module Work: Amyleigh Fowles

New work from second year Amyleigh Fowles. “Dotties is from one of the self-directed briefs we were tasked with completing. My intention was to combine my childhood love for Dalmatians (hence the title Dotties) with my area of…

Module Work: Sarah Puzey

New work from second year Sarah Puzey. “For this brief we were required to create a silhouette inspired by our research.  I used natural light and over exposure to create this image, after taking inspiration from the documentary…

Module Work

New work from second year Alex Bassford. “Georgina Atkinson, a fashion designer and stylist currently based in Cheltenham, UK.I photographed Georgina whilst she worked on her 2018 swimwear collection which was inspired by a trip to Valencia. These…

Module Work: Phoebe Holman

New work from second year Phoebe Holman. “These are the final images I created for the Suit brief. We were asked to construct a short narrative of two images that represented a suit or the person wearing the…

Module Work: Evelyn Havinga

New work created by second year Evelyn Havinga. “Here is my final image from the Love it or Hate it brief. We were required to produce one single photograph, which could stand on its own and clearly show what the subject of the…

End of Year Show

Each year we stage an end of year show featuring work created by our first, second and third year students from some of the modules they have been working on since the beginning of the academic year in…

Module Work from Ellie Stafford

Work from second year Ellie Stafford. “For my ‘Plastic Fantastic’ brief I focused on documenting recycled clothing from charity shops. Charity shops divert an average of 30 tonnes per annum of textiles from landfill sites annually in the…

Module Work

A post-modern self-portrait created by first year Aleena Hurst. It is often stated, ‘the company we keep influences the choices we make’, if this is true does the people we meet in our lives influence the way we see…

Module Work

A post-modern self-portrait created by first year Tiana Walton. “Rather than offering a conventional image of a face or a landscape, I prefer to take a handkerchief, twist it however I like, and photograph it accordingly”. Antonio Palmerini’s…

Module Work: Wiki Ciesla

A post-modern informed self-portrait created by first year Wiki Ciesla. Postmodernism “advocated that individual experience and interpretation of our experience was more concrete than abstract principles. While the modernists championed clarity and simplicity; postmodernism embraced complex and often contradictory…