FieldWorks 6: Thurs 7th October 2021 16.30-17.30 BST

An online conversation and Q&A with Community Development Consultant Tim Warin. He is an Associate of Participatory City Foundation and former project and programmes designer.

Tim will be discussing PCF’s innovative, transformative work for social sustainability. A design-led organisation, they use design thinking, co-creation and iterative approaches to research, develop and test participatory ecosystems and community-building initiatives. These enable change through an accumulation of small but impactful shifts, often on a hyperlocal scale.

Their pioneering research is supporting understanding of how participation can really work on the ground, and ensure that projects are accessible for all. Designing, making and skill-sharing are central to PCF’s approach in supporting regenerative and sustainable societies.

An example is Every One Every Day in Barking and Dagenham, currently prototyping the largest practical participation ecosystem in the world. The project addresses food, childcare, energy, incubator businesses and maker-spaces, as well as local habitats and environments, to name just some of its themes

In conversation with senior lecturer Jean Boyd, from the School of Arts at the University of Gloucestershire.

The event will be chaired by Jessica Jones, currently completing MA Landscape Architecture at the School of Arts. Her Master’s research project concerns the evaluation of green urban infrastructures. She also works for landscape architecture practice Ares in Cheltenham. Jones was shortlisted for the LDA Carol Tarring prize 2021, her portfolio can be viewed here

All FieldWorks events are free to attend, register on Eventbrite

Event supported by the Janet Trotter Trust 

Image courtesy of Participatory City Foundation