Gloucestershire Philosophical Society
7th January 2007
Hi – the Gloucestershire Philosophical Society programme for the coming months is below – or see their website for details:
The Phil Soc also now have their own blog at: – which is new, but will be coming slowly to life over the next few weeks/months…
Jan. 17th. Dr. John Hughes, Uni. of Gloucs. “Between Literature and Philosophy: The Work of Stanley Cavell”.
The talk will explore some key themes in Stanley Cavell’s work on the inter-relationships between philosophy and literature.
Jan. 31st. Exmouth Arms. 10.30 a.m. Discussion: “Greed”.
Greed is another multi-purpose cliche word (selfishness, short-termism, etc.) of our times, seriously in need of analysis and unpacking. GPS will turn the beam on this socio-economic hydra and report the outcome.
Feb. 14th. Victor Suchar, Bath Philosophy Group. “H-G. Gadamer’s ‘Truth and Method’.
The talk looks at the significance of this seminal work in the sphere of hermeneutics. It explores the philosopher’s study of language, textual meaning and the concept of tradition.
Feb. 28th. Neal Richards, GPS. “Wittgenstein’s Lion: Language and Gender”.
The talk considers the significance of Wittgenstein’s philosophy as applied to our understanding of issues in gender and language.
March 21st. Dr. Alison Scott-Baumann, Uni. of Gloucs. “Foucault and Nietzsche”. Avatar or ape, genius or conman?
How can we understand Foucault’s relationship with Nietzsche’s work?
Other than the meeting in the Exmouth on January 31 all of the above will be held in room HC203 Francis Close Hall, University of Gloucestershire, Swindon Road, Cheltenham between 7.30 and 9.30 p.m.