Islam in the Indian Subcontinent Conference
16th January 2007
The Department of Humanities at the University of Gloucestershire is pleased to annouce details of a conference:
Thursday 19th April 2007
The Indian Subcontinent is a significant region for Islamic Studies,
having more Muslims than anywhere else in the world. Developments
in Islam in the region usually have a world-wide impact.
FCH Campus, Cheltenham, UK
10.30-11.00 Registration and Coffee, (Foyer, Clegg Building)
11.00 Welcome: Professor Patricia Broadfoot, Vice-Chancellor, University of Gloucestershire
11.05- 11.50 Rt Rev. Kenneth Cragg (Oxford): The Contemporary Significance of the Taj Mahal
11.50-12.35 Dr Mashuq Ibn Ally (Birmingham): Reform and revivalist movements in Pakistan and Bangladesh
2.30–3.15 Dr Ian Williams (Central England): Ahmad Raza Khan [1856-1921]: Revivalism, Resistance, and Sunni – Shi’a relations in the sub-continent.
3.15–4.00 Dr David Immanuel Singh (Oxford): Centre and Margin – The Van Gujjar Muslim Tribals of Northern India and their relationship to mainstream Islam
4.00 Vote of Thanks: Dr Theodore Gabriel – Followed by Tea.
A sandwich lunch (to include sandwiches, crisps, cookies, fruit and coffee/tea) will be available if ordered when your booking is made. The cost for this is £5.00 and should be sent with your conference fee.
Rt Rev. Kenneth Cragg:
Assistant Bishop of Oxford, Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, and author who has published prodigiously on the theme of Christian- Muslim relations. Author of The Call of the Minaret, Christ and the Faiths and Muhammad and the Christian among numerous other volumes.
Formerly Head of Islamic Studies at University of Wales, Lampeter, he is now Head of Equality and Diversity at Birmingham City Council. He is the author of Theology of Islamic Liberation, Religious Experience and Islam;, Law, blasphemy and the multi-faith society, and the section on Islam in Ethical Issues in Six Religions.
Dr Theodore Gabriel
Formerly a Senior Lecturer in Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Gloucestershire he is now Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Humanities at the same institution. He is the author of Christian-Muslim Relations (1996), Hindu and Muslim Inter-Religious Relations in Malaysia (2000), editor of Islam in the Contemporary World (2000) and co-editor of Islam and the West Post – September 11t h (2004)
Dr Ian Williams
Senior Lecturer and Subject Leader of Religious Education at the University of Central England. His recent publications include: An Absent Influence? The Nurcu/Fetullah Gulen Movements in Turkish Islam and their potential influence upon European Islam and global education, and Relics and Reliquaries: Signs and Semiotics in contemporary UK Islam
Dr David Immanuel Singh
Research Tutor in South Asian Studies, Admissions Tutor and MPhil Programme Leader at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. His recent publications include: Sainthood and Revelatory Discourse: An Examination of the Bases for Bayan’s Authority in Mahdawi Islam, and Physical Jihad: Current Perspectives on Islamic ‘Holy War’.
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