20 May 2020
In these uncertain times we thought we might put up a video of us hacking on about what we love when it comes to teaching Religion, Philosophy and Ethics at University of Gloucestershire…its a bit rough round the…
17 September 2019
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics at the University of Gloucestershire have been producing teaching resources for a number of years. We want to know how we can help augment your teaching of RE at GCSE and A level. Contact: mwood2@glos.ac.uk
29 June 2011
[Short opinion by piece by me, on RE in schools – DW] There has been a lot of noise recently about school-based Religious Studies (or, to those of us over a certain age Religious Education / RE). Its…
22 April 2008
Yesterday saw another school visit, to talk to the A Level students in Evesham at Prince Henry’s High School – Where the friendly, cofffee-providing staff helped us through a 2 hour session – on life-after-death (though we decided…
1 April 2008
This Monday, I headed south to Somervale school, in scenic Midsomer Norton. I talked (a lot!) about Religious Experience, Life after Death and a little about Design and Evil. The groups had, overall, lots to say – and…
29 March 2008
Friday saw me endure a 5+ hour driving extravaganza as the UK road system seemed close to collapse – or somehow trying to thwart my efforts to get to St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar school in Slough and back……
3 March 2008
Last friday [29th Feb] I headed up the delightful M5 and M42 to Queen Elizabeth’s Mercian School to talk to Years 11, 12 and 13 (in varying quantities) about various things. We began with arguments for the existence…
6 February 2008
I am back, fresh from a morning with the Year 13 class (Religious Studies: Philosophy & Ethics) at Brimsham Green School, Yate (nr Bristol!). I hope they have recovered from a barrage of talk from me (3 hours…
9 January 2008
Cheltenham Ladies College is having its annual Religious Studies Event – and as last year (see the report by RPE students HERE) they have kindly invited RPE students to attend should they wish.Details are below – but let…
14 May 2007
Many people (in the UK) find their first taste of studying philosophy to be the AS /A2 Religious Studies courses – most notably the Philosophy & Ethics A Level options…. I thought it would be an interesting post…