Category: death - Page 2

Seventh Seal (again)

Hi,We will be looking at the film The Seventh Seal in class today.Look at for some ideas (see list of questions near base of the page) – and make comment via this blog post. Other ideas are…

Fantastic Philosophy Resources at MIT

Massachusetts Institute of Technology have made huge amounts of their ‘courseware’ available, free, online. This includes a lot of philosophy materials. For example, see HERE for lectures notes on a range of topics including the Problem of Evil,…

Somervale – Midsomer Norton

This Monday, I headed south to Somervale school, in scenic Midsomer Norton. I talked (a lot!) about Religious Experience, Life after Death and a little about Design and Evil. The groups had, overall, lots to say – and…

High Drama in the West Midlands (well, Bromsgrove)

Wednesday saw me off to visit South Bromsgrove High School Technology and Language College – to talk about Buddhist ideas of Life after Death – and the Problem of Evil.It was a memorable trip.. I was almost late…

The Seventh Seal

Well – we did it: we watched The Seventh Seal in RPE301 (Love, Sex and Death) this Monday. This post is to allow RPE301 students to post their comments – but others are welcome to join in to….

A Good Death – how do we measure the value of ‘a life’?

Over at there is an interesting discussion that arises out of the death of the actor Heath Ledger. His death is often described in media reports as a ‘tragedy’ – but how do we balance the value…

Love, Sex, Death and Podcasting

Those of you preparing for your third year of Religion, Philosophy & Ethics (rather than just relaxing all summer), will have noted the module Love, Sex and Death. I just came across a really intriguing podcast at: I…