Category: politics

The Politics of Health Care

I read this article a few weeks ago now from the New Yorker and was both moved and impressed by it. Its content is very powerful, and if you are disturbed by stories of the dying, then I…

God edition..

New Statesman at has an issue focused around God and the relationship between politics and religion..Might be of interest..d.

Philosophy Society Update

Despite the end of lectures for 2008/2009, hopefully some students are still around for The Philosophy Society meeting when we will be discussing Civil Disobedience by Thoreau. As always, we are meeting in The Gallery Room at Park…

Philosophy Reading Group Update

The Philosophy Society is hotting up with enthusiastic responses to the reading (along with many other topics). Next month’s reading is Machiavelli’s The Prince. It promises to be an invigorating topic: cruelty, evil, politics, being misunderstood, Nietzsche’s Ubermensch….