Category: sex

Gloucestershire Philosophical Society:

Wednesday, May 12th. 2010, 7.30.p.m. FCH, Room HC203. (Cheltenham, University of Gloucestershire, Swindon Road) Dr. Jane Monkton-Smith, University of Gloucestershire, will talk on: “Narratives of Sex, Death and Gender”. Based on her recently published book, Jane applies the…

Fantastic Philosophy Resources at MIT

Massachusetts Institute of Technology have made huge amounts of their ‘courseware’ available, free, online. This includes a lot of philosophy materials. For example, see HERE for lectures notes on a range of topics including the Problem of Evil,…

Love, Sex, Death and Podcasting

Those of you preparing for your third year of Religion, Philosophy & Ethics (rather than just relaxing all summer), will have noted the module Love, Sex and Death. I just came across a really intriguing podcast at: I…