Archive Item of the Month – March 2012

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University Archive

The end of the Spring Term is traditionally a time when students have a lot of deadlines and assignments to hand in. Today, the majority of essays are word processed and conform to set editorial conventions. In the University Archive we hold examples of coursework from throughout the history of the institution. These have been donated by former students. This month’s archive item is a deposit of St Mary’s College student coursework from the early 1960s.


St Mary’s student coursework c.1960s ref. D450


The coursework is all handwritten, and includes hand-drawn diagrams and cuttings. The student would have been undertaking a teacher training qualification, and the subjects covered by her work include the Romans, “Palestine in the time of Jesus Christ”, Anglo-Saxon England, the Renaissance, examples of geography coursework including a case study on the Gower with photographs, and an interesting essay on “what is being done to rehabilitate spinal paraplegics?”, including a detailed study of the Stoke Mandeville National Spinal Injuries Centre.





How much does this coursework differ from that of education students today? The link below shows today’s course map for BEd Primary Education Key Stage 1 and 2

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