Archive Item of the Month – October 2012

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University Archive


Local Councillor  Mike Skinner (LD, St Marks, St Pauls and St Peters, Cheltenham) recently contacted the University Archive to enquire about a donation of an ornate New Testament dating from 1841 that he kindly donated to the institution back in 2001 (university archive reference C-03-01-3).


The “English Hexapla” contains six translations of the New Testament along with the “original Greek text after Scholz”, meaning various translations can be compared next to each other. These are:
Wyclif – 1353
Tyndale – 1534
Cramner – 1539
Genevan – 1557
Anglo-Rhemish – 1582
Authorised version – 1611


The University Archive holds various Bibles and this edition is unique amongst these in letting the researcher compare various translations in one edition. It is a beautifully bound volume in good condition considering it is 161 years old.


The volume came from Cllr Skinner’s great great uncle Aubrey Townshend, who was given the book by his brother Edward as a gift.


To view this item in person or our other holdings please get in touch.

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