Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Library

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The Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (BGAS) was established in 1876 and has over 500 members. The Society exists to encourage and promote the historical and archaeological study of the Bristol and Gloucestershire area, and to produce regular academic publications. These include the Society’s Transactions, published annually since 1876, and the Gloucestershire Record Series. The Society also organises an extensive programme of lectures, events and field meetings each year.

In 1998, custody of the Society’s library transferred to the University of Gloucestershire Special Collections and Archives. As well as being open to BGAS library members it is also available for use by staff, students and the public.

For more information on the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, including membership details, publications and events, please visit the Society’s webpage.

Access to the Library      

We ask that all visitors to the BGAS library contact Special Collections and Archives staff prior to their visit to book an appointment by emailing or telephoning 01242 714851.

Library members may borrow up to 5 books for an initial period of two months, with the option to renew for a further one month period. To become a library member you must already be a member of BGAS. Contact the Honorary Librarian for more information via

Searching the online Library catalogue

The library is in the process of being fully catalogued and can be searched electronically via the University’s library catalogue.

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