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Arthur William Sims

Forename: Arthur William

Surname: Sims

Rank: Private

Regiment: Gloucestershire Regiment

Institution: St Paul’s Practising School

Arthur William Sims was born on 22 July 1895 to Harry and Elizabeth Sims. He attended the Practising School from 1 October 1902 to 21 June 1907.

He enlisted as a Private in the 1/5th (Territorial) Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment in July 1914. Along with student George Hume Ricketts, Arthur was killed at Ovillers-La-Boisselle in the Somme region on 21 July 1916, aged 21 and the day before his 22nd birthday. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial. He also died on the same day and in the same area as fellow Practising School pupils Daniel William Sullivan and Stanley George Wilson, both in the 1/5th Battalion.