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Frank Maurice Driscoll

Forename: Frank Maurice

Surname: Driscoll

Rank: Lance Sergeant

Regiment: Gloucestershire Regiment

Institution: St Paul’s Practising School

Frank Maurice Driscoll was born on 4 April 1885 to Dennis and Alice Driscoll of 64 Marle Hill Road, Cheltenham. He attended the Practising School from 4 April 1895 to 2 April 1909 whilst living at 35 St Paul’s Street North. After school he went to work in a hotel and later at Messrs. Norman Brothers, printers.

He joined the 10th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment becoming a Lance Sergeant. Frank died on the first day of the Battle of Loos, 25 September 1915, aged 20. His body was only one of a few to be retrieved from the German lines and he is buried at Cabaret-Rouge British Cemetery, Souchez. Frank was one of nine ex-Practising School pupils to lose his life on the same day. Frank’s brother John Patrick Driscoll also died during the conflict.