Forename: Michael

Surname: Hole

Rank: Second Lieutenant

Regiment: King's Royal Rifle Corps

Institution: St Paul’s Practising School

Michael Hole was born on 1 December 1880 and lived with his parents William and Lucy at Kingsditch Lane. He attended the Practising School from 1887 – 1894. He went on to marry a Mrs F Hole and lived in Reading.

Michael gained a commission in the 10th Battalion Kings Royal Rifle Corps, eventually fighting on the front line in Belgium. He died on 19 September 1917 during heavy German bombardment of the farmhouse in which he was stationed and during appalling weather. Michael has no known grave and is commemorated on the Tyne Cot memorial. His brother Charles also died in 1917, the shock of which led to their sister, Mary Ann, drowning herself on 21 January 1918.