Forename: Thomas

Surname: Murphy

Rank: Private

Regiment: Gloucestershire Regiment

Institution: St Paul’s Practising School

Thomas Murphy was born in 1892, the eldest son of Mr and Mrs James Murphy of 9 King Street Gardens.

He was already serving as a Private in the 2nd Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment after enlisting in January 1907, and was probably in China with his battalion when war was declared. He arrived in France on 19 December 1914 and was subsequently wounded in the thigh in May 1915 near Ypres. He was sent back to England to convalesce at Endell Military Hospital, London, after which he returned to France. Thomas was transferred to the 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and died at the Battle for Pozières near High Wood on 22 August 1916. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.