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Rowland Garnett Parsons

Forename: Rowland Garnett

Surname: Parsons

Rank: Air Mechanic 2nd class

Regiment: Royal Navy

Institution: St Paul’s Practising School

Rowland Garnett Parsons was born on 10 October 1923. He was the son of Edward and Gladys Parsons and lived at 119 Tennyson Road, St Marks, Cheltenham. He was educated at St Pauls Practising School from September 1934 – May 1938. Rowland was well known as a footballer and cricketer of ability. He took employment with the Tivoli Box & Printing Company, Lypiatt Street, Cheltenham and was conscripted for war service in February 1942. 

Joining the Royal Navy, he was transferred to the Fleet Air Arm and posted to the HMS Avenger escort carrier. Air Mechanic Parsons was killed in action on 15 November 1942 aged 19 while escorting troops carrying vessels around the west straits of Gibraltar. He is commemorated on the Lee-On-Solent Memorial.