Gloucestershire College of Education Reunion

Where: Gloucester

Cost: £15 donation to Dementia UK

Former students of the Gloucestershire College of Education, now referred to as the University’s Oxstalls Campus, who attended between 1966 and 1969 (although you may also have stayed on for one more year to do a degree) are invited to a reunion on Saturday 20 August.

The event is for any students within this cohort and takes place in Gloucester from 12.30pm onwards.

It will take the form of a buffet lunch going on to tea and cakes. Organisers ask for a £15 donation towards costs and hope that from this they will be able to make a substantial donation to Dementia UK.

If you are interested in going on to the contact list and/or would like to join in please email Marian Marsh (nee Coxall) on