Living Room Lecture – Laughing in the face of adversity

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Join us for Why Laughing in the Face of Adversity is a Good Idea, the latest in our series of Living Room Lectures online, on June 17. The third event in the Living Room Lectures will be presented by Graham Edgar, Professor of Psychology and Applied Neuroscience.

The world is a complicated place and we almost certainly cannot process all the information available to us at any one time. This means that we tend to focus on, and attend to certain aspects of the situation. A negative mood can lead to greater, ‘tunnelling’ – focusing on a smaller amount of information more intently.

This talk will consider whether this is a good idea or whether, in the face of adversity, it is better to be in a positive mood – and laugh. This event​ will be livestreamed on the university’s Facebook page​​.