Race and IQ: Psychology, Politics and Myth Making

Where: Online

Cost: Free

​​Racialised discourses have been part of European and North American societies for centuries, being used to justify slavery, colonialism, and discrimination. The idea of genetically determined racial differences in IQ remains hotly contested, strongly promoted by some, and equally strongly objected to by others. 

​​​Dai, an objector, will briefly review the history of psych​ology’s dealings with race and IQ, to demonstrate that claims of scientific “fact” can’t be disentangled from political beliefs. The presenter will also evaluate contemporary claims about, and arguments for, race and IQ, to show that this entanglement is ongoing. 

​This lecture, at 1pm, is organised with the BAME Network and part of The​Living Room Lectures Series. ​This short live online presentation will be followed by a live Q&A – please submit your questions during the lecture directly on Facebook.