Month: May 2021

Adams Simpkins discusses his Major Project work ‘A Nations Test’. A series of beautiful creative photographs of architecture left over from World War 2.

A Nations Test documents the beautifully bleak architecture left over from World War 2 that now litters the British countryside. Over time these structures have deteriorated and before long we may lose them all, so as someone with…

Euan Shields Copyright 2021

First year Euan Shields produces a stand-out film for the Introduction to Moving Image Module

Moving image production is now a central aspect of the editorial and advertising industries and during this (first year) module, students expand their current practice, learning how to produce films, stop motion animations and Vlogs.

Film during lockdown

First year Kim Dung Duong produces a stand-out film for the Introduction to Moving Image Module

Moving image production is now a central aspect of the editorial and advertising industries and during this (first year) module, students expand their current practice, learning how to produce films, stop motion animations and Vlogs.