Tag: working photographer

Ed&Ad Photo Graduates Working Together

We have a wonderfully supportive community in Ed&Ad Photo, alumni of our course often act as mentors for current students, they take them on work experience and employ them either full time or as freelancers. Explore Impossible is…

Ed&Ad Photography were invited to contribute to Arts week at the University of Glocuestershire, live online, hosted by Course Leader Trudie Ballantyne, we talked about the Super Community that is Ed&Ad Photo.

This week, live online, we talked about the Super Community that is Ed&Ad Photo @uniofglos. Course Leader Trudie Ballantyne was joined by current students and Alumni discussing how the amazing Ed&Adphoto community supports each other through out the…

Graduate success from Jonny Nolan

I’d been recommended to enter the RWA’s photography open by the Liverpool based artist, Lyndsey Moran, so, after entering, I was given a very pleasant end of year present when I got announced that I had been selected…

Second year Katie Makepeace shoots work for the Editorial Photography with Moving Image module

The story behind my zine started with the initial idea of exploring my specialisation further; I really wanted to expand on my love of photographing landscapes while including other elements. This was because, I really enjoyed the collaboration…

Motorsport photographer and 2017 graduate, Ashleigh Hartwell discusses her experiences since leaving the Editorial and Advertising Photography course.

I started at LAT Images pretty much as soon as I graduated in 2017 as a picture desk editor. I work on the live desk, receiving, editing and sending images from motorsport events we cover, such as Formula…

Graduate Feature on Sports Photographer Morgan Harlow.

Morgan is a young photographer specialising in sports photography. After spending nine years training and competing in the pool, Morgan decided to combine her interest in photography with her passion for swimming and sports. Her work involves use…

Graduate feature on Ellie Ramsden who was recently commissioned to shoot an advertising campaign for Nike.

Recent graduate Ellie Ramsden is a photographer based in London, who specialises in portrait, music and street photography. Ellie graduated in 2018 and in that short period of time she has achieved so much, from shooting editorials, to giving…

Senior Lecturer Matthew Murray’s photobook, Saddleworth: Responding To A Landscape, included in the permanent collection at the Martin Parr Foundation.

In 1997, during my Masters Degree, I visited Martin Parr at his home in Bristol. I wanted to interview him about his work but more importantly to me, Parr’s depiction of the working class. After the interview Martin…

Photographer and short film maker graduate Tommy Cha talks about his work with Ceramic Artist Chao-Chi Lo, who lives and works in the Chiayi county, Taiwan.

Tommy collaborated with Ceramic Artist Chao-Chi Lo on a moving image piece. Chao-Chi Lo lives and works in the Chiayi county, Taiwan, he has been mastering and enhancing an ancient Chinese glazing process called Tenmoku, primarily used for…

Graduate Benjamin Breading, discusses his work and his experience of studying on the Editorial and Advertising Photography course.

In this graduate feature Photographer and Director Benjamin Breading discusses what he has been working on since leaving the Editorial and Advertising course. When did you graduate? I graduated in 2014. Why did you decide to come onto…