Heritage Open Days
8th September 2014
The University of Gloucestershire will be taking part in this year’s Heritage Open Days event. Special Collections and Archives staff will be hosting tours of our historic Francis Close Hall campus on Friday 12th September, on the hour between 10am – 3pm.
The tours are free and offer the opportunity to discover the history of one of Cheltenham’s most impressive Victorian-Gothic buildings and one of the country’s oldest teacher-training colleges. No booking required, please turn up just before the hour for registration in the Chapel, Francis Close Hall campus.
On the same day, the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society’s Library will be open for a special drop-in event between 10.30am – 12.30pm. Members of the BGAS Library Committee will be on hand to give tours of the Society’s library and discuss areas of research interest. This event is also free, located in QU024 on the ground floor of the Quad East building at Francis Close Hall.