Latest posts: Page 12

Archive Item of the Month – July 2011

500 year old graffiti in the University Archives The University Archives and Special Collections will be holding an open day for the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (BGAS) Library in the Archive Room at FCH on Saturday 16th…

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Archive Item of the Month – June 2011

To coincide with the Cheltenham Science Festival our item of the month has a slightly scientific theme. Pictured is a copy of a poem on ascending Mount Everest by Samuel Robinson, who was a student at the Cheltenham…

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Archive Item of the Month – May 2011

May 2011 is the Historical Association’s Local History Month, so to celebrate this our feature this time is our collection of Acts of Parliament held within the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (BGAS) Library. These date from 1698 to…

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Archive Item of the Month – April 2011

With a certain wedding prevalent in the news, the archive item this month is an example of one of the many relationships to be struck up between St Paul’s College and St Mary’s College students. These photographs are taken from…

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Forest of Dean Sculpture Trail collection acquired

On Wednesday 16th March 2011 the University signed an agreement with the Forest Of Dean Sculpture Trust to act as custodians of the Sculpture Trail collection. Material in the collection relates the the artists, administration and creation of the…

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Archive Item of the Month – March 2011

The University Archive holds an early edition of the King James Bible, which celebrates it’s 400th anniversary this year. The King James Bible was originally published in 1611 and was a new translation of the Bible in English….

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New-Look Archive Room

The refurbishment work in the Archive Room has been completed and we are now open as usual. The room is much brighter, tidier and a nicer place to work. Our material from Hardwick store has been moved into…

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Learning Centre Newsletter – Spring 2011

The new Learning Centre newsletter is now out and includes information on Archives opening hours over Easter as well as information on assignments, dissertations, printing and other activities. 

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Archive Item of the Month – November 2010

These tiny books were made by The Whittington Press, whose material forms part of our Gloucestershire Poets, Writers and Artists Collection (GPWA). Wine from my Garden by Miriam Macgregor (2000) measures just 6cm high whilst Country Calendar :…

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Forthcoming Practising School Old Boys’ Association events

The St. Paul’s Practising School Old Boys’ Association are holding the following upcoming events: 28th October 2010 – Local history display in the Refectory at Francis Close Hall 10am – 4pm in aid of a new memorial board…

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