Latest posts: Page 2


Event Volunteering: The rise, fall and reignition?

With the cost of living continuing to rise, will it always be inevitable that volunteering will decline? With extra jobs and less free time, businesses need to change and adapt to the new climate. Here’s how… 

Autumn 2022
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Are Festivals Dying ?

As mass waste continues to rise across the globe, the festival industry is frequently given the cold shoulder about how much waste is generated at festival sites each year, but this issue is firmly rooted in the festival…

Autumn 2022
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Hillsborough 2.0 – Is History Repeating Itself?

As the popularity of events grow, so does the responsibility to keep those who attend safe. Crowd control remains a prevalent issue within the events industry, heightened by the reoccurring reports of crowd safety negligence. Can event organisers…

Autumn 2022
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Five Minutes to Festival Fame

How smaller festivals can rise from the shadows to the spotlight… Who are you engaging? What are you promoting? Where are you heading? Why are people attending? Five minutes to festival fame with tips and tricks on festival…

Autumn 2022
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A Girls Guide To Dealing With Inequality In The Workplace

The events and hospitality industries are mainly run by women – so why is there still clear gender inequality in 2022? 

Autumn 2022
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How the Russia vs Ukraine conflict will change the FUTURE of the Events and Tourism Industry

At the beginning of 2014, Russia took over the Ukrainian region of Crimea. This was the spark which led to a rivalry, subsequently leading to the unprovoked attack on Ukraine by Russia in early 2022. This conflict has…

Autumn 2022
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Is technology the future of hotels?

Hotel technology has advanced tremendously since the 1900s when it was common to have just telephones in hotel rooms. But what are the current trends of technology like now?… How is technology and customer expectations impacting on what…

Autumn 2022
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Festi-full of COP outs

‘There Is No Plan(et) B’ In the midst of the COP26 conference, it is crucial that the events industry does some self-evaluation. We must take a good look at how we can make meaningful change in the fight…

Autumn 2021
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Food Waste – Why we need to take action

The current climate There are many environmental issues in the world right now but many of them feel out of our control with big corporations causing a lot of the problems – things such as large power plants…

Autumn 2021
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Furlough consequences: How did furlough impact the recruitment of graduates post lockdown in the hospitality sector?

Covid Influence In mid-December 2019, a new and contagious type of coronavirus, COVID-19 (CoronaVirus Disease 2019) emerged and changed everyone’s day to day life as we know it.  In 2020, the COVID-19 virus had spread globally, forcing leaders…

Autumn 2021
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