Latest posts: Page 8

Sharing Green Responsibility

According to Mosise and Macovei (2014), sustainable development and sustainable marketing implicitly depend on the following three factors which are economy, society and the environment. Organizations communicating through events should consider the environmental sustainability portfolio for events (Hart,…

Spring 2017
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How Safe Is Your Event Data?

Crime associated with data protection is costing the economy over $400 billion dollars worldwide; it is only a matter of time before you are affected. With the new General Data Protection Regulation coming into force in 2018, now…

Spring 2017
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Is Your Event Catering Discriminatory?

A recent study has shown that 3 out of 5 sport event attendees eat at home to avoid eating at the stadium.  It is widely agreed that food options at events are often expensive, unhealthy, lack nutritional information, and…

Spring 2017
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How can event managers make event travel more sustainable?

Transportation issues are causing a variety of problems at events and affecting large amounts of co2 emissions to be released into the air.  Travel and transportation to events have a large impact on co2 emissions being released into…

Spring 2016
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What is happening now? It Is well researched that the current levels of water consumption are unsustainable. Water scarcity is a global issue and it is estimated that… 1.8 billion people will be living in water scarce areas by…

Spring 2016
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Make a stand to change our Transport Systems!

Is Transport an essential tool for events? Transportation issues are increasing, as event managers are constantly identifying ways to improve the sustainability transport in future years. However, transportation is imposing in large costs and lost in traffic congestion. As a result of this, event managers…

Spring 2016
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Food for Thought

Ever thought about what goes into that tasty burger you’ve eaten? Now I’m not just talking about what meat it was, or if there was some lettuce and tomato in it, what about how the animal has been…

Spring 2016
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Recycling Kills Consumers Guilt

Does recycling diminish responsible consumption? There are many studies about the environmental impacts of waste heading to landfill and with a growing number of events held in the UK is recycling the only answer. Like all businesses the…

Spring 2016
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Green Festivals: Who should hold the responsibility?

The festival organiser or the festival attendee? As much as festivals are an ever-growing aspect of the events world, the ‘greening’ of such events is an increasing concept in the environmentalist world. Today, the UK festival industry accounts…

Spring 2016
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Wasting Away or Saving the Day? Food Management– our Biggest Challenge in Sustainable Events?

Why should events professionals care about food waste and management? What can we do to make our audiences aware of this issue, and how can we make it fun? Food waste is a global problem which affects us…

Spring 2016
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