Alumni Stories: Jane Lister

In this new series of posts, we’ll be looking at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It will demonstrate the various types of employment history graduates can go into, providing some useful guides for existing students, but also highlight the fascinating journeys of our graduates. The next story comes from Jane Lister (Class of 2015).

I studied BA (Hons) English Literature and History and graduated in 2015. At first I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but then having gained some work and life experience I decided I wanted to train as a Speech and Language Therapist. My degree at Gloucestershire has allowed me to access an accelerated postgraduate course and in September I will start my MSc in Language Pathology at Newcastle University. I loved studying at Gloucestershire, lectures were always interesting and delivered with humour – and joint honours really worked for me as I was able to choose History and Literature modules that worked in sync with each other (i.e. studying 20th Century History module with a 20th Century Literature Module) . Particularly on the History side of my course we had a really close and friendly group and the lecturers felt part of that – this close group really helped build my confidence and prepare me for life after university.

If you are an Alumni in History and you would like to contribute, please contact Christian O’Connell

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