Category: Methodologies - Page 8

Roy Jones’ Letter from Perth (the other one)

Visiting Professor Roy Jones keeps us up to date on his recent work … Those of you who read the recent ‘Iain Robertson Down Under’ blog will know that  my appointment as Visiting Professor at UOG has been…


Professor Roy Jones at UoG

Over the course of the last year History at UoG has benefitted hugely from our links with three new colleagues: Tim Copeland researches on public archaeology and the Roman period; Charlie Whitham looks at the impact of American…

When Is History Not History?

Are there limits to the intellectual inquiries historians may make? Our knee-jerk reaction to this, of course, would usually be – should usually be – ‘no’. I wrote a few months ago about Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch’s recent Silence:…

Global History?

The London Review of Books is proud of Alan Bennett’s contention that it is “the most radical literary magazine we have”. Its reputation for radicalism is part of what makes Linda Colley’s most recent essay for the magazine…