Category: Publications - Page 4

De-Stalinisation Reconsidered

My chapter ‘Contesting Inequality: Khrushchev and the Revival of the “Woman Question”’ has recently been published in a volume on essays edited by colleagues in Germany: Thomas M. Bohn, Rayk Einax and Michel Abeβer (eds), De-Stalinisation Reconsidered: Persistence…

Competition in Socialist Society

My latest collection of essays, co-edited with Katalin Miklossy (University of Helsinki, Finland) was published by Routledge in August. The book is one of the outcomes of a three-year international collaborative project funded by the Academy of Finland…

What’s in a Review?

Once our work has been published what we academics then look for is for it to be reviewed. This is most often in academic journals (the things we try to get students to read as well as books!)…

In A Student’s Own Words: Tom Wilkinson

As we wrote earlier this week, Gloucestershire alumnus Tom Wilkinson has just received award recognising the publication of work based on his third-year dissertation work with us. In this post, he talks in his own words about his…

Tom Wilkinson on Tewkesbury Abbey

We’re proud and excited about the news that a former student of ours, Tom Wilkinson, has just received a prestigious award for work he conducted as part of his dissertation here at Gloucestershire. Tom’s dissertation, which I had…

Iain Robertson:Landscapes of Protest in the Scottish Highlands after 1914: The Later Highland Land Wars, (Ashgate, 2013)

Not unlike the actions of the cottars and crofters who are its subjects, it has taken some time to bring this work to fruition. Indeed, we might push this analogy even further and suggest that the trajectory to…