Latest posts: Page 17

Historical Association – New Branch Program released

As we await the start of the new academic year, we are drawing up a number of plans for our extracurricular activities for the year ahead. Next month, a number of events will take place at FCH for…

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Black History Month: Competition

This year, we’re opening out our annual History competition to everyone – not just University of Gloucestershire History students! To coincide with Black History Month, we’re asking people to nominate individuals in any or all of the following three categories: ‘Unheard Voices…

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American Racism & the Confederate Flag

Following the tragic events in Charleston, South Carolina, it is difficult to disagree with President Obama’s moving and powerful obituary at the funeral for one of the victims, the Rev. Clementa Pinckney, that it was time to take…

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Marking … and more!

Ah! – or Aagh! – that time of the year again … marking and external examining (why, I wonder??): looking at the results of a year’s hard work by both students and staff and how that translates into…

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Hearty Congratulations All Round

As part of the University-wide Festival Fortnight, this week has seen a series of presentations and awards by and for History students and staff. On Monday, students presented some of their work at the Humanities Student Research Conference,…

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VE Day on the BBC

Among all the celebrations of VE Day, you might want to look out for “First Days of Peace” scheduled for Monday 11th May at 7.30 pm on BBC! West. Presented by Bonnie Greer, the half-hour documentary focuses on…

Neil Wynn
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The Dymock Poets and public history

This blog has on more than one occasion explored various aspects of what we might understand as public history. Just recently, for instance, we posted on Selma, on the role of war memorialisation in the making and maintain…

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Aspiration, Representation and Memory: The Guise in Europe

Congratulations to former colleagues Penny Richards and Jonathan Spangler, and to Jessica Munns, on the publication of their new book: Aspiration, Representation and Memory: The Guise in Europe, 1506-1688. The Guise, cadets of a minor sovereign house, arose from…

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Student Visit to Stonhenge

Thirty-seven students and three staff visited the prehistoric sites of Avebury and Stonehenge, both in Wiltshire. The aims of this Activity Week event were to explore the past use of these ‘ritual’ monuments in their landscapes and how…

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Public Events: 21st April

The 21st April is an exciting day for Historians at the University of Gloucestershire. On that day, Showcasing History, our series that expands our exploration of the past outside the classroom, is hosting a fascinating public talk by Holocaust…

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