Latest posts: Page 24

The Use of Riches

For historians of the Reformation, bank holidays seem often to include some sort of visit to a church. Sure enough, this weekend just gone found me in Cirencester, a town I had somehow neglected to visit despite having…

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The Value of Old News

Here’s one summer day-trip planned for us already: British Library to unveil £33m newspaper reading room State-of-the-art facility will store more than three centuries of newspapers and magazines dating back to the English civil war. The Newsroom, offering…

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Summer Term Begins!

And so, according to our timetable, the summer term begins on Monday April 28.  Looking outside at the weather, you could have fooled me!  But, nevertheless, welcome back to all our students (and especially to level 6 students,…

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Memories & Media: the life of a little Italian village through the memories of its people

In academic circles, particularly in realm of more traditional subjects such as History, the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter has always tended to divide opinion. On the one hand, the possibilities for communication between…

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UCL-Institute of the Americas Post-doctoral Visiting Fellowship

During the second semester of next year, I’m pleased to say that I’ll be taking up a British Association of American Studies (BAAS) UCL-Institute of the Americas Post-doctoral Visiting Fellowship. The UCL-IA/BAAS is designed to facilitate the development…

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Dr Rodney Atwood, ‘The British Army’s Victory in Afghanistan, 1880’, 17th March 2014

In this post, one of our first-year History undergraduates, Ben Stagg, writes about the recent talk by Dr Rodney Atwood at the Gloucestershire branch of the Historical Association. On the evening of Monday 17th March 2014 (St. Patrick’s…

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Diarists & History

In most of the tributes to the former Cabinet minister and lifelong left-wing campaigner Tony Benn, much has been made of his legacy: his political goals, many have argued, were frustrated (the queen remains on our postage stamps,…

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Second Year Field Trip to Cordoba

Second year students taking the module HM5050 are currently enjoying their field trip to the Spanish city of Cordoba.  Dave Webster over at RPE is keeping us up-to-date with their time away on the Religion, Philosophy and Ethics…

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Women’s Library at the LSE

Further to my post on Saturday about International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, here’s some good news in the Guardian: The Women’s Library, the oldest and most extensive collection on women’s history in Europe, is about to…

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International Women’s Day 2014

International Women’s Day has been recognised by the United Nations since 1975, but it has its roots much further back in the early twentieth century (the first National Women’s Day was celebrated in the USA on February 28th,…

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