Tag: heritage - Page 4

Nigel Harrison Earns PhD on Clough Williams-Ellis

The School, and History in particular, is very pleased to announce that late last week Nigel Harrison successfully defended his PhD thesis on the architect Clough Williams-Ellis. CW-E (as Nigel came rather fondly to know him) is best…


Professor Roy Jones at UoG

Over the course of the last year History at UoG has benefitted hugely from our links with three new colleagues: Tim Copeland researches on public archaeology and the Roman period; Charlie Whitham looks at the impact of American…

Glasshouse College, Stourbridge

Not far up the M5 from Cheltenham is the Black Country town of Stourbridge. The town is perhaps most famous for its glassmaking (the process of using glass to make a range of vessels, from bottles to bowls),…

New Publication! Heritage from Below….

Finallym Below published! In fact he was so excited by this that he then spent virtually the whole of his 20 minute slot at the recent Critical Heritage Studies conference in Gothenburg self-promoting it. The way we use…