Category: Events - Page 3


Black Lives Matter and Bristol

This post comes from former student in History at the University of Gloucestershire, Luke Simpson. George Floyd was not the first and he will not be the last black human being to be killed as a result of…

‘The Past is Not Dead’ – Confronting the British Past in the wake of Black Lives Matter

Recent events have really put our discipline on the front pages. The Black Lives Matter protests which have swept across the United States and Europe following the brutal murder of George Floyd, have seen statues of controversial historical…

The Devils’ Alliance: Hitler’s Pact with Stalin 1939-1941 – A Review

In this blog post we have two reviews of the same book, prepared by students in HM5406, Revolution from Above: the Soviet Union, 1921-53. This is your chance to ‘compare and contrast’. Thanks to our students Harry Brown…

‘I Can’t Breathe’ – Race Conflict in the USA 2020

For American historians, and particularly those who focus on African American history and civil rights, the feelings felt in the last six days are a mixture of sorrow, anger, .. and also déjà vu.  How often in the…

Gaining Work Experience in HR

This post comes from second year undergraduate Harry Brown, who is conducting a work placement as part of the Engaging Humanities module. Harry’s experience demonstrates the numerous career trajectories open to our students. So far, I have completed…

Remembering Soviet Women: Irina Nikolaevna Bugrimova (1910-2001)

By sheer coincidence I came across reference to the name of a Soviet woman about whom I know very little, but because today is the anniversary of her death (on 20 February 2001, at the age of 90)…

Discovering the Blues: honouring the work of Paul Oliver

On Friday 7th February, I took part in an event entitled ‘Discovering the Blues: Paul Oliver and the Blues’, held at Oxford Brookes University as part of the Thinking Human Festival. The event was held to commemorate the…

History Students Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

This post comes from second year BA History students Josh Oliver and Sam Webber. So, for those of you who are unaware, the two of us spent a two-week chunk of our Summer in Africa, specifically Tanzania. The…


Getting my Research into Print

This post comes from Simon Carpenter, who completed an MA by Research in History at the University of Gloucestershire in 2018. On the face of it, trying to interest journals in the life and work of a late…

The Challenge of Building a National Museum

On Tuesday 25th June I attended the 24th Annual DW Bryant Lecture at the Eccles Centre for American Studies in the British Library. This year’s speaker was Lonnie G Bunch III, the director of the Smithsonian’s new National…