Category: Media

Researching Textile Heritage in Gloucestershire

This post comes from BA History student Sasha Thammer and discusses their work on exhibition at the Museum of Gloucester as part of the course. At the half-way point of their degree, history students at UoG receive the…

Our Staff and Students at Heritage Schools Conference

Today at Oxstalls campus in Gloucester, myself and two of our students Ross Brown and Kelly Burriss took part in the Heritage Schools Conference. The event was organised by Voices Gloucester, the organization that is sharing diverse stories…

My dream job – Volunteer Archivist and Historian to the Three Choirs Festival

This post comes from MA by Research alumni Simon Carpenter. For the past few years I have been the volunteer archivist and historian to the Three Choirs Festival. I started with them shortly after graduating from the University,…


Harry Belafonte (1927-2023)

Emeritus Professor of 20th c. US History Neil Wynn pays tribute after the singer and activist’s death this week. “There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, there’s a hole in my bucket …”  So began…

History Students on City Voices Community Panel

For the last few years, History students have been contributing to the yearly Gloucester History Festival by producing exhibitions on local history as part of the Cotswold Centre for History and Heritage. They have conducted research on various…

The USA Becomes Ever More Divided

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson on Friday 24th June over-turning Roe v. Wade (1973) ended women’s constitutional right to abortion, and added yet further evidence of America’s lurch to the right.  Thirteen states immediately…

Exploring Gloucester’s Hidden Links to the Slave Trade

In the summer of 2020, Gloucester City Council set up a race relations commission charged with reviewing the links between the city’s monuments and the transatlantic slave trade (see here).  Over the past year, I have been a…

Tribute to RW Davies

On what would have been his 96th birthday, I offer this tribute to RW [Bob] Davies, who died last week. For those of you who have studied Soviet history, you will be aware of the important impact that…

Confused about ‘Sexy’ Thatcher?! 10 facts about MT that might help. Part 1.

This post is for anyone watching The Crown, a series in which Margaret Thatcher is played by Gillian Anderson. Anderson is, undoubtedly, extremely talented and glamorous, but this is leading to a phenomenon where viewers are feeling very…

The 2020 Presidential Election – in Historical Context

There can be little doubt that this Presidential election has been the bitterest and most divisive in modern U.S. History. However, argument and delay is not in itself new:  the 2016 election in which Donald Trump defeated Hillary…