Category: Events - Page 9

The 1st Muslim Sheriff’s Lady of Gloucester

This post comes from our third year undergraduate student Khadija Handsot. In May 2016 my father was inaugurated as Sheriff and Deputy Mayor for the second time, while I accepted the role of Sheriff’s Lady. My father originally…

Looking for a past: the Republic of Congo

This post comes from Tim Copeland who is a Visiting Fellow in Landscape Archaeology and a Senior Advisor to Nexus Heritage. In 2007, Nicholas Sarkozy, the then French President, gave an incendiary speech in Senegal describing the situation…

Disunited Kingdom? How Historians will write about Brexit

I was recently asked to speak about the EU referendum on BBC Radio Gloucestershire’s breakfast show, and consider how historians will talk about ‘Brexit’ 30 or 40 years from now. Clearly, no-one has a crystal ball, let alone…

Report from Visiting Researcher, Dr Pia Koivunen

During the first two weeks of June, History at the University of Gloucestershire played host to Dr Pia Koivunen, a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Advanced Social Research, University of Tampere, Finland. Dr Koivunen has published widely…

The Man – or his Times?

Having just been to see Race, the (rather boring, I have to say) bio-pic about the great African American athlete, Jesse Owens, I found myself thinking about people like Owens, and Joe Louis, and contrasting them with Muhammad…

The Passing of a Hero

This Friday will witness the funeral of Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer in history and a figure whose importance transcended sport.  Hundreds will attend his funeral and many thousands more around the world will mourn his passing because…


Discovering Native America

When I was thinking of a subject for a possible blog post on my Fulbright experience, I had no shortage of options. I could have easily talked about teaching American history to American students at Elon University, which…

Melanie Ilic at BASEES Conference 2016

I spent the final weekend of the Easter vacation at the BASEES annual conference in Cambridge. As the current BASEES Membership Secretary and a founder member of the new BASEES Women’s Forum, this turned out to be a…


The Absence of an English National Museum

This post comes from Tom Carter, PhD student in History at the University of Gloucestershire. Having completed a degree in Heritage Management here at the University of Gloucestershire, and being persuaded into pursuing a PhD by my then…


HM5000 History Group Project Reports

This year’s History group projects in HM5000 are being conducted in conjunction with The Wilson, Cheltenham’s art gallery and museum. On 5 March, The Wilson will open two exhibitions: Hidden Agenda: Socially Conscious Craft and Crafting Change: Community,…