Category: Media - Page 10

The Uses of History?

Nowadays we are all being encouraged to think about our students, their future, and employability in our degree courses. In fact, we often address the question of the usefulness, or otherwise, of History to audiences at Open Days…

The Independence Referendum

Exciting isn’t it? And of deep interest to all historians we’d hope. Just recently the expertise we have here at UoG was recognised by our local radio station (Radio Gloucestershire) when I was invited onto the breakfast show,…

Music & History

Teaching and research using Popular Music with Dr Christian O’Connell: we talk about the blues, Civil Rights and more…

Prof. Neil Wynn interviewed on D-Day for BBC Points West

Professor Neil Wynn was recently interviewed about the impact on the South West of the build-up for D-Day in June 1944. He focused particularly on the presence of large numbers of American servicemen, over 250,000 of whom were…

The Man Who Brought the Blues to Britain: Big Bill Broonzy

There was a very interesting documentary on BBC4 last night on Big Bill Broonzy. I’ve mentioned his song ‘Black, Brown and White’ a few times in class, particularly given its critique of racial discrimination in America in the…

Professor Wynn goes to the Theatre

African American History and Shakespeare? A strange mixture, but one that British director Mark Rylance brought together in the recent production of Much Ado about Nothing starring Vanessa Redgrave and the American actor, James Earl Jones at the…

Reading Reviews in the News

Neil has written before about how useful it can be to read one of the newspapers belonging to the ‘quality press’. To emphasise the point, there were a number of book reviews in the weekend papers which should…

The 1970s on TV: a blend of political and cultural history

By Christian O’Connell:  This weekend I caught this BBC documentary on the 1970s in Britian. Dominic Sandbrook, author of White Heat: a history of Britain in the Swinging Sixties (2006) and State of Emergency: The way we were,…

Peaky Blinders: History in the Media

I promised to keep an eye on the use of history in the media on this blog, and I thought it might be worth extending beyond my own ‘beat’ of early modern history. I didn’t have to go…

“Children of devils or Spirits”: History in the Media

History is hot property: it’s on TV and in the news constantly, and even where the focus might not be rigorously academic it’s important to step out of the ivory tower and both understand how history inspires and…