Category: Media - Page 3

History Students Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

This post comes from second year BA History students Josh Oliver and Sam Webber. So, for those of you who are unaware, the two of us spent a two-week chunk of our Summer in Africa, specifically Tanzania. The…


Postgraduate Profile: Oliver Brown

This post comes from MA by Research student and undergraduate alumni, Oliver Brown. My research is investigating the prevalence of anti-Semitism in the British right-wing between 1918 and 1930. It aims to redress the studies conducted on British…


Getting my Research into Print

This post comes from Simon Carpenter, who completed an MA by Research in History at the University of Gloucestershire in 2018. On the face of it, trying to interest journals in the life and work of a late…

The Challenge of Building a National Museum

On Tuesday 25th June I attended the 24th Annual DW Bryant Lecture at the Eccles Centre for American Studies in the British Library. This year’s speaker was Lonnie G Bunch III, the director of the Smithsonian’s new National…

Alumni Stories: Abigail Sparkes

This series of posts looks at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It demonstrates the various types of employment and further study they can go into. It provides useful…


The Naga Labour Corps

This post comes from Ed Barrett, PhD student in Illustration and History at the University of Gloucestershire. About the project The Naga Labour Corps [NLC] was a group of companies of men from the Naga Hills in North-East…

Postgraduate Profiles: Ed Barrett – History through Illustration

This post comes from Ed Barrett, currently a PhD student in both History and Illustration at the University of Gloucestershire. My research is an interdisciplinary practice-based project in which I’ll use drawing to analyse and interpret historical sources,…


The Long Song of Democracy, Freedom and Slavery

This post comes from Dr Catherine Bateson, a lecturer and tutor of US history, specializing in 19th century American history, Civil War history, and Irish American musical culture. She is the Vice Chair of the Scottish Association for the…


Thoughts on Visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau

The Auschwitz Museum has just reported that the top ten countries from which visitors to the Museum/Memorial came in 2018 are: Poland (405,000), Great Britain(281,000), USA (136,000), Italy (116,000), Spain (95,000), Germany (76.000), France (69,000), Israel (65,000), Czech…

Archaeology Above Ground – Bears Ears, Utah, USA

Recently, I spent several days in at Bears Ears National Monument in Utah, close to the Colorado River, exploring the survival of archaeological evidence in a dry climate. The National Monument takes its name from a pair of…