Category: Media - Page 8


Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize: A Historian’s Guide

This post comes from John Hughes, Professor of Nineteenth Century Literature at the University of Gloucestershire, and author of Invisble Now: Bob Dylan in the 1960s (2013). Any admirer of Bob Dylan’s work soon becomes aware of all the…

Celebrating the Lives of Soviet Women: Irina Vyacheslavovna Rakobol’skaya (1919-2016)

‘We are a generation not from this universe’ One of the few remaining members of the infamous ‘night witches’, the female pilots who flew in the Soviet front line during World War Two, died on 22 September 2016….


Returning Brewer to His Rightful Place

This post comes from our new MA History by Research student, Simon Carpenter. Strictly speaking, I have just embarked on studying for an MA in history with the University of Gloucestershire, but I see a major part of…

Literature, History, and the Vietnam War

Writing a preview of the Cheltenham Literature Festival, I suggested all History students should read literature.  I was reminded of this today when I read the (belated – he died in June) obituary of Michael  Herr in The…

History at the Cheltenham Literature Festival 2016

On the face of it this year’s Cheltenham Literature Festival does not offer a great deal of interest to the student of history.  Yes, there are sessions on Rethinking the Somme, the Great War, Cheltenham in the Great…


Cultural Festivals, Controversy and a Heritage Trail Launch

This post comes from our Lecturer in History and Heritage, David Howell. In south east Wales, at the start of August, the National Eisteddfod of Wales convened in Abergavenny. In writing that opening sentence, I fully appreciate that…

The 1st Muslim Sheriff’s Lady of Gloucester

This post comes from our third year undergraduate student Khadija Handsot. In May 2016 my father was inaugurated as Sheriff and Deputy Mayor for the second time, while I accepted the role of Sheriff’s Lady. My father originally…

Looking for a past: the Republic of Congo

This post comes from Tim Copeland who is a Visiting Fellow in Landscape Archaeology and a Senior Advisor to Nexus Heritage. In 2007, Nicholas Sarkozy, the then French President, gave an incendiary speech in Senegal describing the situation…

Disunited Kingdom? How Historians will write about Brexit

I was recently asked to speak about the EU referendum on BBC Radio Gloucestershire’s breakfast show, and consider how historians will talk about ‘Brexit’ 30 or 40 years from now. Clearly, no-one has a crystal ball, let alone…

The Man – or his Times?

Having just been to see Race, the (rather boring, I have to say) bio-pic about the great African American athlete, Jesse Owens, I found myself thinking about people like Owens, and Joe Louis, and contrasting them with Muhammad…