Category: UoG - Page 3

Confused about ‘Sexy’ Thatcher?! 10 facts about MT that might help. Part 1.

This post is for anyone watching The Crown, a series in which Margaret Thatcher is played by Gillian Anderson. Anderson is, undoubtedly, extremely talented and glamorous, but this is leading to a phenomenon where viewers are feeling very…

The 2020 Presidential Election – in Historical Context

There can be little doubt that this Presidential election has been the bitterest and most divisive in modern U.S. History. However, argument and delay is not in itself new:  the 2016 election in which Donald Trump defeated Hillary…

Alumni Stories: Rebekah Dinwoodie

This series of posts looks at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It demonstrates the various types of employment and further study they can go into. It provides useful…

Alumni Stories: Meg Gard

This series of posts looks at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It demonstrates the various types of employment and further study they can go into. It provides useful…


Presidential Debates: then and now

The first of the three scheduled presidential debates between the Republican incumbent, Donald Trump, and the Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, was notable for its lack of actual debate.  Described by CNN as “the most rancorous debate in history”,…


Alumni Stories: Rhiannon Carter

This post comes from Rhiannon Carter, who graduated as part of the class of 2020. In this post, she discusses her experiences of studying History at the University of Gloucestershire, how this was affected by the pandemic, but…


Black Lives Matter and Bristol

This post comes from former student in History at the University of Gloucestershire, Luke Simpson. George Floyd was not the first and he will not be the last black human being to be killed as a result of…

‘The Past is Not Dead’ – Confronting the British Past in the wake of Black Lives Matter

Recent events have really put our discipline on the front pages. The Black Lives Matter protests which have swept across the United States and Europe following the brutal murder of George Floyd, have seen statues of controversial historical…

Alumni Stories: Dr Ash Rossiter

This series of posts looks at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It demonstrates the various types of employment and further study they can go into. It provides useful…

The Devils’ Alliance: Hitler’s Pact with Stalin 1939-1941 – A Review

In this blog post we have two reviews of the same book, prepared by students in HM5406, Revolution from Above: the Soviet Union, 1921-53. This is your chance to ‘compare and contrast’. Thanks to our students Harry Brown…