Latest posts: Page 11

Shedding Light on ‘Darkest Cheltenham’: the Lower High Street Project

The History blog has not been as active as usual in recent months, and while this was not ideal, there is a good excuse. Over the last seven months, staff and students in History at the University of…

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Celebrating the Lives of Soviet Women: Irina Ratushinskaya

Dissident poet, Irina Ratushinskaya died in Moscow on 5 July 2017, aged just 63. Born in Odessa, Ukraine, in 1954, Ratushinskaya appears to have had a pretty standard Soviet upbringing. She was awarded a degree in physics in…

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Prof Melanie Ilic Goes on Sabbatical

I’m very pleased to be able to announce that the university’s Being Human Research Priority Area has awarded me a period of sabbatical leave for semester one 2017/18. The main focus of my work during this period will…

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Women’s History Month: winning post on Malala Yousafzai

This post is the winner of the Blog Post competition run by the History course at the University of Gloucestershire, and comes from undergraduate student at the University, Stephanie White. “I tell my story not because it’s unique,…

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The USA and World War I

One hundred years ago today, on April 6th 1917, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to approve Woodrow Wilson’s call for a declaration of war against Germany to “make the world safe for democracy”. Although the United States…

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In the Shadow of Einstein

This post for Women’s History Month comes from Senja Andrejevic-Bullock, Lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Gloucestershire. The old adage that behind every great man is a great woman, seems to be true even for one…

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History Students on Field Trip to Córdoba, Spain

This post comes from second year undergraduate Jenna Pateman. As part of the level 5 module HM5050: Field Trip, I and 36 other Humanities students travelled to the city of Cordoba in Spain, staying within the UNESCO World…

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Farewell Mr Rock’n’Roll

The web is bursting with tributes and obituaries to Chuck Berry, the songwriter and guitarist who died on Friday at the age of 90. And this is understandably so. Berry’s famous repertoire which includes songs like ‘Johnny B…

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Holocaust Memorial Day

This post comes from our first year undergraduate student Anna Cardy. ‘For the survivor death is not the problem. Death was an everyday occurrence. We learned to live with death. The problem is to adjust to life to…

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Visit to the Holocaust Exhibition, IWM London

This post comes from first year undergraduate student Rhiannon Healey following a trip to the Imperial War Museum in London on Thursday 19th January. A poignant display, the Holocaust exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in London manages…

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