Latest posts: Page 12

Matt Kidd joins the History team

Dr Matt Kidd will be covering Dr Vicky Morrisroe who is on sabbatical this semester. I’m very excited about the prospect of teaching at the University of Gloucestershire next semester, where I’ll be leading two modules, ‘Politics and…

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The Lower High Street Projects

The History staff team is pleased to announce that it has been successful in securing two internal grants to undertake research focusing on the history of Cheltenham’s Lower High Street, near FCH campus. University-wide LIFT (Learning Innovation for…

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The Historian’s ‘Problem’

This post comes from postgraduate student Simon Carpenter who is currently undertaking an MA in History by Research. Before embarking on my MA by research this Autumn, I had researched and had published several histories on mainly local…

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Stepan Ivanovich Karagodin: Lost and Found

Stepan Ivanovich Karagodin: Lost and Found An intriguing story has emerged recently in the Russian press and it’s now being picked up by some of the British media. It touches on some interesting questions relating to historical responsibility,…

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The much-anticipated blog post, or: Commemoration and Oblivion in Royalist Print Culture, 1658-1667

I first became interested in the variety of ways in which people and cultures remember their pasts while studying for a Master’s degree in Cultural Memory in 2008. Since then, my thoughts have mostly turned to mid-seventeenth century…

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Black History Month in Cheltenham: A Review

This review was written by 2nd year undergraduate student Jenna M. Pateman. As November begins, I felt it was right to look back at this year’s Black History Month in Cheltenham, a yearly event put together by a number…

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Vicky Morrisroe’s New Book!

It will come as a surprise to my students to learn that, contrary to the rumours, I don’t spend all my free time drinking wine, eating pizza, and binge-watching Mad Men. In between all of that I have…

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30 October: Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Political Repression

Crowds gathered in Moscow and in other Russian cities over the weekend to remember those who died as a result of Stalin’s purges in the 1930s and 1940s. The commemoration in Moscow took place in Lubyanka Square, where…

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Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize: A Historian’s Guide

This post comes from John Hughes, Professor of Nineteenth Century Literature at the University of Gloucestershire, and author of Invisble Now: Bob Dylan in the 1960s (2013). Any admirer of Bob Dylan’s work soon becomes aware of all the…

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Celebrating the Lives of Soviet Women: Irina Vyacheslavovna Rakobol’skaya (1919-2016)

‘We are a generation not from this universe’ One of the few remaining members of the infamous ‘night witches’, the female pilots who flew in the Soviet front line during World War Two, died on 22 September 2016….

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