Latest posts: Page 19

Dates That Changed The Western World: 1859 and On The Origin of the Species

Can a single book change the world? In 1859, Charles Darwin’s On The Origin of the Species became an instant bestseller – and swiftly took its place as the lightning rod for controversy it has been ever since….

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Dates That Changed The Western World: 1776 and American Independence

On 4th of July 1776 the Declaration of Independence, a document drafted by Thomas Jefferson and other ‘framers,’ declared that the 13 former British colonies now formed the first independent nation of the Western world. Alongside the Constitution,…

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Dates That Changed The Western World: 1707 and the Act of Union

Oh dear; dates are funny things aren’t they – as this series has already demonstrated. Just when you think that you have hit on a genuine ‘game-changer’ then you are forced to think again. And so it is…

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Dates That Changed The Western World: 1688 and the ‘Glorious Revolution’

1688 is not the most visible of British constitutional landmarks. Especially in this 800th anniversary year, 1215 often gets more love, and Magna Carta is more often enthused about by politicians and historians alike than the Glorious Revolution….

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Dates That Changed The Western World: 1517 and the Protestant Reformation

In 1517, the Augustinian monk Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral. At least, that’s the story: in truth, this is probably a legend put around after the event, and the list of…

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Dates That Changed The Western World: 1492 and ‘The Age of Discovery’

In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. So goes the rhyme that many schoolchildren still learn in order to remember the date which has come to be thought of as the moment Europe ‘discovered’ North America. In truth, this is…

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A February Full of Activities

This month is looking like quite a busy one (in a good way!) for students and staff in History. We have a range of events, papers and seminars taking place over the next few weeks, all of which…

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We had a little bit of snow in Cheltenham overnight.  As always, our FCH campus looks beautiful in the seasonal weather.  Here are a couple of pictures taken really early this morning, before most of our students had…

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Massive Fire Destroys one of Moscow’s Major Libraries

A massive fire that broke out on Friday evening has destroyed the building housing one of Moscow’s major research libraries and unique collections of social science and humanities documentation. It has been reported that an electrical fault caused…

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The ‘Rebellious’ Life of Mrs Rosa Parks

Doing history is often a process of digging beneath the surface, of uncovering stories, people and events that have been hidden from view to give a better understanding of the past. It also often involves challenging simplistic interpretations…

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