Latest posts: Page 22

Gloucestershire Historical Association 2014-15

A new academic year is upon us, and that also means a new round of fascinating talks from the Gloucestershire Historical Association. Topics include Africans in Tudor and Stuart Britain, the Napoleonic Prussian General Marshal Blucher, pilgrimage in Spain…

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Black Cultural Archive Opens

It was great to read today of the opening of the Black Cultural Archive in Brixton, London. After 30 years of campaigning and planning, this wonderful facility celebrating the British black cultural heritage is now providing exhibition and…

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Early Modern Women, Religion, and the Body

Last week, I participated in a wonderful conference hosted by Loughborough University. Entitled Early Modern Women, Religion, and the Body, the conference explored a very wide range of early modern lives and experiences from right across Europe and across confessional divides….

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Lessons from Former Students: Clare Hall, History Teacher

It’s always good to hear from former students, both from the very recent past and a little further back! Clare Hall studied History with us more than a decade ago, and has since gone on to become a…

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Pankhurst Google Doodle

Today Google – and the Guardian – celebrate the birthday of the great suffragette leader, Emmeline Pankhurst, and reminds us of the the amazing lengths women at the beginning of the twentieth century went to to win the…

Neil Wynn
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VIDEO: 50 Years Since the Civil Rights Act

Following on from their attendance at the British Library and Eccles Centre event commemorating 50 years since the passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, which you can read about here, Prof. Neil Wynn and Dr Christian…

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Independence Day & The Civil Rights Act of 1964

On 7th July Dr. Christian O’Connell and Professor Neil Wynn took part in a symposium at the Eccles Centre at the British Museum on “The Civil Rights Act 50 Years On” followed by a lecture by Professor William P….

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Holiday Histories

I’m just back from two weeks away and, as I’ve written before, historians tend to go on their holidays merely to find new histories. The past is, after all, everywhere when you look for it. Indeed, some of…

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Music & History

Teaching and research using Popular Music with Dr Christian O’Connell: we talk about the blues, Civil Rights and more…

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Prof. Neil Wynn interviewed on D-Day for BBC Points West

Professor Neil Wynn was recently interviewed about the impact on the South West of the build-up for D-Day in June 1944. He focused particularly on the presence of large numbers of American servicemen, over 250,000 of whom were…

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