Latest posts: Page 26

“Where Have All The Flowers Gone?” – Pete Seeger, 1919-2014

It was with some sadness that I heard of Pete Seeger’s death this morning.  It seemed strangely coincidental with the showing of the Coen Brothers’ latest film, “Inside Llewyn Davis”, which focusses on a folk singer (loosely modelled…

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“Thy Wars Brought Nothing About”

Perhaps because this Thursday sees the 365th anniversary of the execution of King Charles I, both BBC History Magazine and History Today feature the British Civil Wars on their front pages this month. If these journals aren’t always…

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On Being White …

Sometimes it feels uncomfortable being white (I can hear black reader/friends/students laughing at this – “you should try black” they might say.)  Viewing  Steve McQueen’s great movie 12 Years a Slave provided just one of those moments for…

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Professor Alec Ryrie at UoG

Our colleagues in Theology and Religious Studies are hosting Professor Alec Ryrie from the University of Durham this week. Professor Ryrie will give a paper, ‘Faith, Doubt and the Problem of “Atheism” in Post-Reformation Britain’, this Wednesday (January 15th) between…

Early Modern
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When Is History Not History?

Are there limits to the intellectual inquiries historians may make? Our knee-jerk reaction to this, of course, would usually be – should usually be – ‘no’. I wrote a few months ago about Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch’s recent Silence:…

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Back From The Holidays

Happy new year! Today’s my first day back since the Christmas and New Year break, so apologies for the late good wishes. I was reflecting over Christmas about travel: so many of our staff and students leave Cheltenham…

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Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013

In an age in which historians have long since abandoned the ‘great men’ theory of history, how do we define – should we even use – the term ‘world historical figure’? Our discipline now rightly prefers to complicate our…

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The Man Who Brought the Blues to Britain: Big Bill Broonzy

There was a very interesting documentary on BBC4 last night on Big Bill Broonzy. I’ve mentioned his song ‘Black, Brown and White’ a few times in class, particularly given its critique of racial discrimination in America in the…

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Professor Wynn goes to the Theatre

African American History and Shakespeare? A strange mixture, but one that British director Mark Rylance brought together in the recent production of Much Ado about Nothing starring Vanessa Redgrave and the American actor, James Earl Jones at the…

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What’s all the fuss about JFK?

This Friday 22nd of November marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. This anniversary has been marked by numerous newspapers articles, television documentaries, radio discussions and even a new film, Parkland, directed…

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