Latest posts: Page 27

Global History?

The London Review of Books is proud of Alan Bennett’s contention that it is “the most radical literary magazine we have”. Its reputation for radicalism is part of what makes Linda Colley’s most recent essay for the magazine…

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“Tudor Monastery Farm”: History in the Media

Television history can get a bad press. To be sure, some of it can simplify the work of the historian and – even worse – therefore distort our view of the past. Some TV history is sensationalist; some…

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Graduation 2013

Last Thursday the UoG History team (alongside colleagues from across Humanities and the University) celebrated graduation day 2013!  It was a great day and a good opportunity to catch-up with students who finished their exams over the summer…

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Iain Robertson:Landscapes of Protest in the Scottish Highlands after 1914: The Later Highland Land Wars, (Ashgate, 2013)

Not unlike the actions of the cottars and crofters who are its subjects, it has taken some time to bring this work to fruition. Indeed, we might push this analogy even further and suggest that the trajectory to…

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‘African American Music in Italy, 1930-60’

On Monday, October 28th, at 5.30pm in QU122, this year’s series of History Research Seminars at UoG will begin with a paper from our very own Dr Christian O’Connell. We hope to see you there, and as a…

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Celebrating the Lives of Soviet Women: Tatyana Zaslavskaya

Tatyana Ivanovna Zaslavskaya, author of the infamous April 1983 Novosibirsk Report, died recently in Moscow. Zaslavskaya was born in Kiev in 1927. After the Second World War, she studied physics and then economics at the Moscow State University,…

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Reading Reviews in the News

Neil has written before about how useful it can be to read one of the newspapers belonging to the ‘quality press’. To emphasise the point, there were a number of book reviews in the weekend papers which should…

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The 1970s on TV: a blend of political and cultural history

By Christian O’Connell:  This weekend I caught this BBC documentary on the 1970s in Britian. Dominic Sandbrook, author of White Heat: a history of Britain in the Swinging Sixties (2006) and State of Emergency: The way we were,…

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Historians at the Cheltenham Literature Festival

One of the things I most like about Cheltenham is the Literature Festival, which always attracts many world-famous writers – and often some notorious historians.  Whatever your thoughts are on the role of history in the media and…

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Peaky Blinders: History in the Media

I promised to keep an eye on the use of history in the media on this blog, and I thought it might be worth extending beyond my own ‘beat’ of early modern history. I didn’t have to go…

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