Tag: cheltenham history

Shedding Light on ‘Darkest Cheltenham’: the Lower High Street Project

The History blog has not been as active as usual in recent months, and while this was not ideal, there is a good excuse. Over the last seven months, staff and students in History at the University of…

History at the Cheltenham Literature Festival 2016

On the face of it this year’s Cheltenham Literature Festival does not offer a great deal of interest to the student of history.  Yes, there are sessions on Rethinking the Somme, the Great War, Cheltenham in the Great…


HM5000 History Group Project Reports

This year’s History group projects in HM5000 are being conducted in conjunction with The Wilson, Cheltenham’s art gallery and museum. On 5 March, The Wilson will open two exhibitions: Hidden Agenda: Socially Conscious Craft and Crafting Change: Community,…

Beautiful Weather and Local Knowledge = Fieldwalk!

  In the enviably warm sunshine of March, this year’s fieldwalks exploring the environmental history of Gloucestershire and Cheltenham were a great success. Our level-4 (first-year) module, ‘Themes in Local and Environmental History‘, explored the intersection of processes such as enclosure, landscape…