28 June 2022
The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson on Friday 24th June over-turning Roe v. Wade (1973) ended women’s constitutional right to abortion, and added yet further evidence of America’s lurch to the right. Thirteen states immediately…
6 November 2021
As we approach our graduation ceremonies, it is time to congratulate our prize winners for 2021 and for 2020 (as graduation could not take place last year due to the pandemic). Every year our students are presented with…
4 October 2021
I am delighted to be joining the University of Gloucestershire for semester 1 2021/22 as a part time Lecturer in Russian and Soviet History, whilst Professor Melanie Ilic undertakes her research into the roles of women in Soviet…
14 September 2021
I have been lucky enough to be granted a bit of time during semester 1 2021/22 via our teaching release buy out scheme to progress my research and writing towards a monograph that focuses on the role of…
10 December 2018
I was greatly saddened to wake this morning to the news of the death of Moscow-based human rights activist Lyudmila Mikhailovna Alekseeva on 8 December 2018 at the age of 91. I was fortunate to be able to…
7 November 2018
This post comes from Neil Wynn, Emeritus Professor of 20th Century US History at the University of Gloucestershire. While presidential elections take place every four years, congressional elections take place every two years with all 435 seats in…
25 July 2018
This post comes from MA by Research student in History at the University of Gloucestershire, Abi Murphy, who is being supervised by Dr Christian O’Connell and Prof. Melanie Ilic. Life as a research student is fairly new to…
8 March 2018
Prof Melanie Ilic on #InternationalWomensDay #iwd2018 #womenshistory @uniofglos
5 February 2018
The 1918 Representation of the People Act of 6 February 1918 is one of the cornerstones of our parliamentary democracy. It set the foundations of the principle of ‘one person, one vote’ and established the current, though often…
18 October 2017
I posted on our Facebook page in September that I had a book due to come out very soon, and now it’s actually here! Women’s Experiences of Repression in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe is a co-authored…