Bay South Garden opens (Singapore Gardens by the Bay)

On 29th June 2012 Bay South Garden opened, part of the Singapore Gardens by the Bay project. Designed by Grant Associates it is one of the most original and innovative pieces of landscape architecture in the world – particularly so due to its strong sustainability principles. Visit Grant Associates website for more info and interviews, as well as the many articles now available online – New Scientist, the Guardian, – and check out the Squint Opera video which was part of the competition winning entry in the first place.

Keith French was Project Director for Gardens by the Bay as part of his role as a Director at Grant Associates. Keith has just finished 3 years as External Examiner of the undergraduate Landscape Architecture course here at UoG and the course would like to express our deepest thanks for his input to the development of the course in that time, as well as offer our congratulations on the completion of Bay South – a truly amazing project.

(Note: photograph courtesy of Gardens by the Bay website.)

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