Category: Teaching & Learning

Tredworth Transformed

Six years ago we based the Landscape & Community module in the inner-city Gloucester suburb of Tredworth. We’d been invited to come up with some ideas to improve the visible landscape which was then looking sad and neglected…

Bob’s petit séjour à Paris

There’s a garden in Paris I’d not previously visited but always wanted to: Jardin Atlantique built above Montparnasse railway station. A couple of weeks ago I was in Paris for three days so I seized the opportunity. I…

Evidence for climate change?

Outside the Clegg Building, the Cornus kousa is looking amazing. Here’s a picture I took two days ago (21st May). The creamy ‘leaves’ are called bracts. A bract is neither a leaf nor a flower, but it’s often…

Food for free

Allium ursinum, wild garlic, is a very attractive plant with its cluster of white star-like flowers and lily-of-the-valley leaves. Also called ramsons, it is in full aroma for a couple of months each year. According to Richard Mabey…

Invitation to country walk in Slad valley

Rowan Middleton (eco-poetry lecturer) is arranging a trip next week to Slad, former home of celebrated writer Laurie Lee. You are invited to walk with him through the Gloucestershire countryside to experience the historic village setting of Laurie…

Basking in blue

Bluebell season again. Hyacinthoides non-scripta opening up in woodland is one of our great wild-flower spectacles. For many it’s an annual pilgrimage to local bluebell woods. In the Chilterns the bluebells flower often as the beech trees come…

75 Years of National Parks

This year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, an act which secured access for everyone to open countryside whilst preserving and enhancing natural beauty; founded on the understanding…

Lynn Kinnear award-winning landscape architect dies

Lynn Kinnear who has died of cancer was one of the outstanding landscape architects of her generation. Her practice KLA was founded in 1991 and has been recognised throughout Europe as one of a small number in the…

Prunus spinosa in bloom

“The gnarled blackthorn bushes are covered in thousands upon thousands of white stars, their firework middles exploding in all directions. They won’t think of leafing for a while yet, and so there is only this dark and light,…

Visit to Wyevale Nurseries, Kings Acre, Hereford

The rain held off and we were treated to a friendly, informative visit hosted by Ian and his team who showed us around the stock areas and various operations of the main site, including the more extensive tree…